Chuck and I huddled next to the graffiti wall watching for others to knock on Barbara’s door. We weren’t sure which one belonged to our hostess. Barbara invites travelers into her home for a gourmet Roman meal. Strangers come together under her roof for an evening. We were uneasy about this when we were waiting and too shy to just start knocking on stranger’s abodes. Chuck was having flash backs from his army days. This alley in Rome reminded him of being ambushed and being vulnerable. We had traveled to Rome in February of 2020 just before the entire world was challenged by the vicious virus, Covid 19.
A woman about my age (50) and a teenage boy wandered down the alley carefully looking for numbers on the every door. They quietly discussed addresses and then decided on the entry we had thought was our destination, too. We emerged from the shadows and introduced ourselves quickly explaining that we were looking for Barbara’s home. Jesse, the teenager, took charge nodding for us to go ahead. He then let Tracy, his mom, follow us. He was a confident gentleman.
Barbara’s energy radiated and we were at ease instantly. She welcomed us into her eclectic home. She had knick knacks and memorabilia from her travels and from previous dinner guests.

Many trinkets and gifts from guests hung from the chandelier and on the mirror.
Red wine flowed freely as we mingled with other travelers. Carlo, Barbara’s nephew, served us a Hors D Oeuvre of cream cheese in a puff pastry with a caramelized onion.

The neighbors from upstairs joined us and more wine was poured. Gisseppe, a 101 year old who served as a guard in the second World War, openly shared first hand accounts of history. Gisseppe’s daughter translated his stories of how his duties had included guarding Mussolini.

Italy 1922-1943
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the Italian leader (and founder) of the National Fascist Party. He was the Prime Minister of Italy from 1922-1943. Mussolini led a narrow, far right dictatorship. He was assassinated in 1945. Gisseppe spoke of the indulgences Mussolini had acquired in his home. With tears in his eyes he spoke of witnessing Mussolini’s complete lack for human dignity. Wartime recollection for both Gisseppe and Chuck weigh heavy in their souls as it does for all soldiers across the globe. Without warning these memories can jump forward into consciousness. With vivid detail these recollections can be debilitating.
Gisseppe showed intense pride and thankfulness for his daughter and family. His appreciation for each moment of life is evident in the way he is completely attentive with the person he is talking with. It was an honor to have had time to hear Gisseppe’s accounts of war and to witness how he cherishes life.

Gisseppe, a neighbor from upstairs, came down to meet us.
At a strapping 101 years old, Gisseppe had first hand accounts of
WWII and his time spent guarding Mussolini.
We bubbled about the room getting to know everyone in the group. Before the upstairs neighbors had to leave, we snapped a photo of our gathering. I had just relocated my missing wine glass. I think you can sense my excitement. (center) The more wine I consumed the more I felt that I understood Italian. This was an invaluable commodity.

In other news, I found my wine glass that I’d misplaced. (See center of photo)
Chuck is at the far right behind the bouquet of roses.
Notice the wine bottles in the foreground on the left. They were empty by the night’s end.
Barbara invited us to relax at the table while she poured rose wine and Carlos served the next course, saffron rice.

Luis and Alma sat to our left. They were from Mexico and spoke Spanish and were fairly fluent with English. Zach and Michele were from the southern United States and spoke with a beautiful drawl. Jesse and his mom, Tracy, were from the mid-west in the U.S. Tracy works for Merril Lynch. Jesse shared his passion for clothing design. His goal is to start “Congorgeous” clothing industry. “Congorgeous” is a hybred of ‘confident’ and ‘gorgeous.’ (Jesse is in the center of the group photograph above dressed in black with necklaces.) Keep a look out for his start up company. This youngster has flair and is ready to create his own path in this world.

Greens with balsamic vinegar, sesame seeds, prosciutto ham and crunchy circular croutons. Chuck asked Barbara about her life story and what brought her back to Rome after so many years of travel. She answered politely, but without detail. Her focus was on her guests.

Our next course was gnocci. It’s a time consuming potato based dish. Potatoes are baked, mashed with seasoning, formed into ovals, dried, boiled and tossed in a seasoned butter sauce. It was exquisite.
Chuck pressed to learn more about our hostess. Barbara slyly smiled, her cheeks darkened. My newest beau is The Captain. “Ahhh. So tell us. How did you meet The Captian?” Chuck is always very good at finding an inlet into easing a person into opening up. Barbara shared her story with vibrancy and hand gestures. She laughs easily at herself and situations. Her easy going nature has allowed her many fascinating experiences. (I haven’t asked her permission to share her story, so I will respect her privacy.)
Carlos came with our next course. Eggplant with layers of cheese. I missed his description of this dish as I was enthralled with Barbara’s stories.

I sat up taller to hear her tales and to make room for this incredible course. I thought it was a pasta lasagna.
Barbara brought out champagne to celebrate my retirement from teaching. She’d ‘heard’ that I’d reached this milestone and wanted to mark the occasion with forte. She taught Jesse how to open the champaign bottle with a POP! Buoyant cheers rose from our newly befriended companions. I imagined the cohorts upstairs smiled at our raucous behavior.

Notice the three different wine glasses used for three different wines.
Saying our good byes at the end of the night was daunting. We’d shared this common bond and we knew we’d be leaving this magical encounter behind us.
When we shared a cab with Michele and Zach, we talked about our favorite dishes from the evening. I said beside the variety of wines I liked the puff pastry the best. She said she liked the eggplant. “Wait, when did we have eggplant?” I was genuinely surprised at this revelation. Michele explained stifling a giggle. “Oh, I thought it was lasagna!” I shook my head at my mistake and declared in a wine-saturated voice, “My name is Martha, but I’m not Martha Stewart.” Even the cab driver laughed.
We count ourselves so fortunate to have made connections with others in this intimate setting. Hopefully you’ll be able to meet Barbara someday. She will show you tastes and tales unlike any you’ve ever known.
Here’s a short video made in 2014 showcasing Barbara through www.eatwith.com This shows her personality. You’ll notice her chandilier only has a few items hanging from it.
www.eatwith.com – Roma, Italy Federica & Barbara
One thought on “Spooky Alley/Fine Dining”
Enchanting experience! Almost surreal!