I had no idea that Kalamazoo held a secret, Arcadia Creek. Chuck and I had attended Western Michigan University in the early 1990’s. We’d explored urban areas, usually at night, with no idea that a creek had been spying on us from beneath the streets. Join us as we put on our “puddle boots” and investigate this mysterious waterway!

“You can see how high the water had been by the flattened grass along the bank.” Chuck had pointed out as we muddled through some tall, wet foliage toward the sound of bubbling water just outside of town. “There’s a hole.” Chuck warned as he continued along the creek.
I stepped onto the matted down grass and my foot kept going. In an instant cold water came cascading over the top of my boot and I was going down. I held the Go-Pro camera high to keep it dry. Frame by frame my fall had slowed down time. I was conscience of everything all at once: the rods in my spine, the pin in my hip and the missing meniscus in my knee. It was a soft landing on my backside and I felt cold dampness seep into my side once I’d hit the ground.
I paused quietly allowing pain receptors to activate. Nothing. I let out laugh, “There’s a hole.” I announced to the camera with a lift of my eyebrow.
The frigid chill crawled through me. My quick-drying ‘adventure’ pants are always so handy! I knew I’d feel better soon. I handed Chuck the camera, dumped the water from my boot and returned to a vertical position. I would change into dry clothes later as there was more investigating to do!
Arcadia’s Meandering History
There’s some discrepancy in the path of Arcadia Creek as well as the locations of ponds from 1827 – 1890. One known fact is the Kalamazoo Steam Brewery had been in operation between 1860-1884. The creek had been diverted to serve in the production of the beverage. The brewery had been located where Waldo Stadium is today.
Over a century ago it had been decided to create underground canals for Arcadia Creek. Construction of pathways occurred between 1873-1890. This had built the illusion that the waterway was long gone, as it flowed well hidden under the city of Kalamazoo.

Where Does The Creek Go?
Next we drove a few miles down the road where Arcadia Creek disappears from view.

With cold water bubbling around my ankles I peered into the underground tunnel. Drain pipes opened into the cavern from the top. With the help of my flashlight I could see that the passage curved up ahead.

Would I spy a troll or an ogre?
Day Lighting
In the mid 1970’s flooding continued to be a problem in downtown Kalamazoo. With Arcadia Creek completely underground, some tunnels had collapsed from heavy rains.
Civil Engineers and city leaders knew something must be done to improve drainage during heavy rains. Opening some canals to the day light and enhancing the depth of the waterways would reduce the chances of the creek breaching its banks. These plans included revamping the downtown area with pathways, a playground and a park, Arcadia Creek Festival Place.

The Arcadia Creek Book
A book had been published and distributed to the area schools about the history and needed changes for Arcadia Creek.

Photo Credit: New York Times Illustrator David Small
Arcadia Creek had once been a vital part of industrial progress as well as supplying ice. (left)
But it was a ‘sad creek’ as it was being diverted underground. (right)
Now the creek needed to be ‘happy’ again by uncovering the waterway.
Construction Paused 1988
The construction had paused in 1988. That was the year I’d moved to Kalamazoo to complete my teaching degree, so maybe that’s why I hadn’t known about Arcadia Creek. In addition, I had been distracted by an adventurous co-ed, Chuck, and his friends.

In 1988 I do recall flooding behind our dorm following heavy rainfall. Several students would splash around in the knee high puddles. Although it looked like fun, I couldn’t help but wonder if there would be some nastiness floating amongst the fun. So, I remained dry and continued with my studies.
Construction Continued
By the time the work on Arcadia Creek had started back up, I had graduated (1991) and Chuck had joined the army. We’d left Kalamazoo with memories of late night wanderings and 24 hour treats at Sweet Water Donuts. However, none of our recollections consisted of Arcadia Creek.

We had been delighted to learn this story and appreciate the remodel of Kalamazoo’s downtown area.
Arcadia Creek Festival Place
A pinnacle piece of downtown Kalamazoo is the Arcadia Creek Festival Place. This venue hosts concerts at the stage and family picnics alongside the pond. Joggers and bikers enjoy the Kalamazoo Valley Trail alongside Arcadia Creek.

But Wait! Where Does It Go From Here?
The pond’s exit is blocked off and all we could see was a parking lot beyond with the refurbished building, The Beer Exchange. Where does Arcadia Creek go from here?

We knew the general direction of the Kalamazoo River. On a map it showed the creek following next to the railroad tracks. We debated walking, but decided to drive.
The Kalamazoo River
We parked and followed the sounds of rushing water adjacent to the train rails. It brought us to the confluence of Arcadia Creek and the Kalamazoo River.

Flooding Still Happens
Unfortunately, as much as humans have attempted to control our environment, Mother Nature still has the final proclamation. Remember how Arcadia Creek had been diverted around Waldo Stadium? Well, the WMU stadium still remains at a low elevation in a flood plain.

In June of 2021 a worker, who stood in knee high water at the 50 yard line, watched a large fish make its way through the murky water. The “All Pumps Company” had drained the field during the wee hours of the night so a WMU game could be played the next day.
Stay Curious!
Thank you for coming along with us as we searched for the secret of Kalamazoo, Arcadia Creek! Stay curious and make memories!
Related Links:
Here’s our YouTube video of our caper through the creek!
“The Beer Exchange” article features a remodeled building we used to visit in the 90’s.
The Kalamazoo Valley Museum is featuring Iza’s collection of fly swatters until January 2024.
We’d stopped to check them out. Here’s the article!
Restless Viking merchandise is available!
How WMU Dewatered Their Stadium Overnight article June 12, 2021
WMU Arcadia Creek History article
Break The Mold article March 17, 2018
MLive article
MLive article May 2020
Topographical Map site
One thought on “Kalamazoo’s Secret: Arcadia Creek”
Hello! I think you should know something interesting about that railing on that bridge-an “easter egg” in plain sight on another bridge nearby: https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=michigan/crosstown/