With rumbling chugs and hissing steam the 1225 Pere Marquette rolled into “The North Pole” located in Ashley, Michigan. This remarkable 1941 steam engine had been Chris VanAllsburg’s inspiration for his well known story about a train journey, “The Polar Express.” Today, families board in Owosso, Michigan for the hour ride to the Village of Ashley where The North Pole comes to life! Join us as we experience Santa’s workshop home.

As a youngster Chris VanAllsburg had climbed all over this engine when it sat motionless on Michigan State University’s campus. In the 1960’s his family had often attend MSU football games. How did this eighty year old engine work so well? I had wondered.
We’d actually ridden on this train, “The North Pole Express,” in 2021. Now we headed to “The North Pole” to witness the steam engine rolling into the Village of Ashley. This year, 2023, we have been capturing Michigan’s Christmas traditions. Stay tuned for our upcoming video!
Our Journey Aboard
In 2021 our ride had been exciting! Conductor Reinhard Hurt had punched “1225” into our tickets as we enjoyed hot cocoa served to us by Owosso’s Mayor, Sue Osika. Soon she introduced us to Steve, a volunteer. Then, Arnae joined us, too.

“They are original members of the MSU Railroad Club.” Sue eyes widened, “They have stories. These guys had gotten this engine started again after years of it just sitting dormant.” She lifted her brow and smirked as she bustled back to serving travelers.
Michigan State University Railroad Club Members
“So you’d gotten this engine running again and here you are volunteering.” It must have been amazing to witness this mechanical marvel running so well after bringing her back to life.

Steve sat next to me. “I’ve got t-shirts older than you.” He chuckled and shook his head. Steve simply confirmed, “Through all the ups and downs we had the right people at the right time. It was by benevolent grace that this has worked out so well.” He continued, “The original guys passed down their knowledge.”
Arnae nodded and recalled how in the early 1970’s he, Steve and two other members had been sitting around a card table brainstorming. They’d thought that the 1225 could bring people to the MSU football games. That night the foursome had crept to the locomotive, added water, diesel soaked rags and coal to fired her up. In the early morning hours the group blew the whistle. This brought “a lot of attention, including the police.” Arnae beamed. We all shared cheerful laughs.

Photo Credit: MSU Archives
Without glancing at a watch, only noticing subtle changes in the engine’s rhythm, the duo prepared to depart to their duties. “It’s incredible to hear your stories first hand!” I was in awe. “And here you are still dedicated to the train!” “Thank you!” We shook hands as they headed out to monitor their engine and the dozen Christmas cars loaded with families having FUN.
The North Pole – Ashley, Michigan
This year we’d arrived by car, preparing to capture footage of “Christmas Wonderment” for our video and the Village of Ashley provided plenty!
Holiday tunes enveloped the main street of Ashley. There were kiddie carnival rides and an entire building set up with an extensive Christmas train set. The HOBO kitchen was serving meals.

Santa’s workshop had expanded since our last visit!

The First Gift of Christmas
“Please join Santa at the podium where he’ll give the first gift of Christmas!” The announcer called out over the crowd. In the story, “The Polar Express,” the young boy had doubted Santa’s existence. A train had magically picked him up in the middle of the night and brought him to the North Pole. As the he stood among the crowd of elves and children from the train, he can suddenly hear the jingle of the reindeer’s bells. Then as Santa appears, he gestures to the lad, “What would you like for Christmas?” The boy requested a single jingle bell from the harness. It rings for all those who truly believe!

Ashley’s Santa chose a child from the crowd, held up the bell and with a booming voice, “THE FIRST GIFT OF CHRISTMAS!” Goosebumps! This had been Christmas wonderment at its finest for me!
When You Visit
Tickets to “The North Pole Express” often sell out quickly. (There’s a link below) So another option is to stop by Ashley’s Chamber of Commerce office on Main Street and purchase your button. This is your ‘ticket’ for visiting the village.
Wishing you the very best season of holiday cheer! Stay tuned for our upcoming articles and video about the evolution of Michigan’s Christmas traditions.
Related Links
The Steam Railroad Institute’s North Pole Express Tickets
The Polar Express book is available on Amazon
The Polar Express movie is available on Amazon
The Pere Marquette 1225 book of history is available on Amazon
The North Pole Express 2021 article
1225 at MSU Flicker archives