The Greatest Banquet in American History

During our recent trip to Chicago we learned about the greatest banquet in American history. This elite gathering had occurred thirteen years after the Civil War in 1879. Join us for a peek into high society at the The Palmer House Hotel which has been hosting events and travelers since 1871. Banquet attendees included President Ulysses S. Grant and Mark Twain. It is curious to me how issues over a hundred years ago mirror the issues we are surrounded with today.

The Palmer House Hotel with the “Ladies Entrance” featured on the right.
Photo Credit: The Palmer House Hotel (late 1800’s)

Potter and Bertha Palmer

Potter Palmer and Bertha Palmer, owners of The Palmer House Hotel.
Photo Credit: The Palmer House Hotel

Newly married in 1870, millionaire Potter Palmer had the luxurious Palmer House Hotel built as a gift for his wife, Bertha Honore Palmer, who was 23 years younger. On a warm fall morning, September 26, 1871, the hotel opened for guests.

Photo Credit: The Palmer House Hotel

However, just twelve days later, the Great Chicago Fire ignited and burned for forty-eight hours. Three hundred people were killed and 17,000 buildings had been flattened, including The Palmer House Hotel. Within days, Potter Palmer secured a loan for 1.7 million dollars, the largest credit given by a bank in that era. He planned to rebuild.

By November of 1873 the new Palmer House Hotel opened. Architect John M. Van Osdel used brick, iron and terra cotta to construct, “The World’s Only Fire-Proof Hotel.” This seven floor hotel was luxurious. The Palmer House was the first in the nation to use electric light bulbs throughout the venue and have a telephone in each guest room. A vertical steam lift, one of the first elevators, brought luggage and guests to the higher floors more efficiently.

The second Palmer House Hotel 1873.
Photo Credit: The Palmer House Hotel

High society has buzzed and beckoned around The Palmer House Hotel for 155 years.

Brigadier General Fredrick Dent Grant Marries Ida Marie Honore

Less than a year later, on October 20, 1874 Bertha’s sister, Ida, was married to President Ulysses S. Grant’s son, Brigadier General Fredrick Dent Grant. Ida and Fredrick married at her parent’s house. President Ulysses S. Grant and the First Lady were in attendance. A lasting friendship began between the Grants and the Palmers.

Brigadier General Fredrick Dent Grant and Ida Marie Honore
Photo Credit: The Grant Home Facebook Page

Who Was President Ulysses S. Grant?

As a talented horseman and artist attending West Point, Ulysses S. Grant had “no desire for a military career.” He had planned to serve his four-year stent and then move into another path of work. However, Ulysses had a wife and four children, so he remained in the military as a way to provide for his family.

Reflective of today, Grant didn’t see eye to eye with his in-laws, even though they housed Grant and his family during economic hardship. Grant was assigned William Jones, a slave, who Grant soon set free much to the chagrin of his father-in-law, who saw this as an expensive mistake during lean times.

Once The Civil War began, Grant’s wife, Julia, and their children (Fredrick, Jesse, Nelly and Ulysses Jr.) awaited news of their patriarch while the General led troops in twelve battles from 1861-1865.

During a downturn in the economy, Ulysses S. Grant and his family had lived with his slave-owning in-laws.
Photo Credit: History Hits article

Following the turbulent war, at 46 years old, Grant ran for President of the United States under the slogan, “Let Us Have Peace.” From March 4, 1869-March 4, 1877 Ulysses S. Grant served as our 18th President. Curiously, “his Presidency was marred with corruption scandals, and has been commonly ranked among the worst. However, during his lifetime he remained popular, seen as a national hero.”

Reflective of today’s media, President Grant had been reported to be a drunk. However, there hadn’t been any specific evidence of President Grant making decisions while intoxicated during Civil War battles, his Presidency or his trip around the world.

That’s right. After his Presidency, Ulysses S. Grant took a trip around the world and decided to make his final stop in Chicago in 1879 to spend time with his son, Fredrick, and daughter-in-law, Ida.

The Greatest Banquet in American History

Hearing that Ulysses S. Grant would be completing his world trip in Chicago, Bertha began planning the largest gala of its time to celebrate Civil War heroes: William Sherman, Phillip Sheridan and Ulysses S. Grant. She invited five hundred dignitaries and used china etched with gold. Potter Palmer asked his friend, Mark Twain, to be the master of ceremonies.

The dinner was held in the Red Lacquer room.
Photo Credit: The Palmer House Hotel website

Eighteen pieces of gold-trimmed, French Havilland china and Austrian crystal shimmered at each place setting. The first course included Blue Point oysters and Sauterne, a sweet French wine. The next courses included venison, chicken and buffalo steaks drizzled with truffle sauce. Cognac, celery, coffee, and cigars finished the meal.

Mark Twain

Renown author and friend of the Palmers, Mark Twain, had acted as the emcee for the gathering. “The banquet was all about gaiety and laughter with absolutely no official business being discussed.” Twain purposed toast after toast, numbering well over twenty-four accolades, using the oversized beer stein Bertha had specially made for him.

“According to Palmer House lore, Bertha had this multi-gallon beer stein made for Twain to use whenever he visited the hotel.”
Photo Credit: (left) Connecticut History

At the Greatest Banquet in American History, Twain’s massive stein had been refilled more than once!

The Palmer House Hotel

The Palmer House Hotel was built as a gift of love and continues to bring a feeling of elegance as a century-old Chicago landmark. Today, being able to sit in the highbacked lobby chairs is a prized commodity for guests. Wait staff bustled to serve those seated. Dressed in black, the restaurant workers glided between the tables with picturesque plates.

Each of these areas of the hotel carry a tapestry of history!
Even the brownie was invented here by Bertha and her chef in 1892!

In the morning staff members polish railings and baseboards. With over 1,600 rooms we wanted to know more about the cleaning regime. “I clean thirteen rooms a day.” Our maid smiled as she peered over the fluffy white towels stacked atop her cart like a Dr. Suess vehicle. The exceptional pride was evident throughout the hotel!

The Empire Room

The Empire Room has hosted a number of notable performers from 1932-1975: Louie Armstrong, Harry Bellefonte, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, Dean Martin, George Burns along with many others.

More recently, The Palmer House has been the setting for television shows and movies: Curly Sue,
The Fugitive, Miracle on 34th Street.

Ever since The Greatest Banquet in American History, every United States President, except George W. Bush, has stayed at the Palmer House Hotel. Several have held campaign events as well.

The exquisite fresco panels across the ceiling (bottom left) had been painted by Louis Pierre Rigal from 1926-1927.

I appreciate Chuck for spoiling me with a trip to The Palmer House Hotel! What an experience! Being permitted to get a sneak peek into the Greatest Banquet in American History was a treat! I marveled at the care taken to preserve this rich history. Thank you for coming along!


The Palmer House Hotel and website
Connecticut History Mark Twain article
History Hit’s article “10 Facts About Ulysses S. Grant”
Grant Home Facebook page
Time Travel Kitchen article by Jolene Handy
Historic Hotels of America article

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